Complete description: pricipping Watch

Pricipping watch (Principe watch) that started in 2019 to provide mechanical clock at an affordable price. The long-awaited round case appeared from the high end line, which is traditional sculpture. The latest model "pwsp-04" that adopted the double temp movement was released at Princeton prive official online store.

Traditional sculptures added decoration to the inner bezel as it is.
The case side is of course engraved until the back case.
The double temp movement was adopted, and it became a brand-new design though it was a luxury.
In addition, the material of 316L grade stainless steel is used for the case material, and the glass material is adopted for the windshield.
  • Pwsp-04

Model: psp-04
Selling price: 70400 yen (tax included)

Case size: 45 mm / 14 mm
Rag width
Case material: 316L stainless steel
Leather strap
Buckle: 316L stainless steel
Glass: sapphire glass
Functions: hour, minute and second hand
Movement: automatic roll
  • A sales store
Principe prive Omotesando
Kitaoyama, Minato ward, Tokyo

Bing Web: prive Online
  • Pricipipping Watch
Pricipipe watches (pricippe watches) developed by the import total agency of the overseas timetable "Principe prive" started in 2019 for the purpose of providing design and quality at a low price from the experience which had served as an import general agent of many overseas watches. By the spread of smartphones, the watch has become thin in the sense of time. If it is a chance to know the charm of the analog clock to the youth who lives in it in this way... It is made from the thought of. As an entrance to a mechanical watch and as a trigger to reaffirm the value of a watch, I hope you will be able to know the world of wristwatch in this project.